RuggedMind RuggedMind


Genderless jewelry for people with a tough and sexy spirit
who are free to follow their own path without being bound barriers
such as gender, race, or birth.


Genderless jewelry for people
with a tough and sexy spirit
who are free to follow their own path
without being bound barriers
such as gender, race, or birth.

Connect Generation

過去から現在、そして未来まで、その時代の精神を表現するジュエリー。時代によって価値観は変わっても、Rugged Mindは同じ時代に生きる同じ価値観を持った人同士をつなぎます。

Jewelry that expresses the spirit of the times, from the past to the present and into the future.Although values may change with the times, Rugged Mind connects people with the same values who live in the same era.

Japanese Craftmanship

世界に誇る日本の高度な機械工業と、伝統的に受け継がれてきた職人の手仕事の融合。機械による均一な美しさと、熟練した職人の手作業により細部にまで有機的な美しさを感じるジュエ リーです。

A fusion of Japan's world-class advanced machine industry and the handiwork of craftsmen who have traditionally passed down the tradition. The jewelry has a uniform beauty by machine and an organic beauty in every detail by the handwork of skilled craftsmen.

concept Japanese Craftmanship
concept Japanese Craftmanship


オリジナルブランド Rusty Thought を展開中。

Ryo Katori

Studied traditional techniques at a jewelry college. Interested in antique jewelry and its techniques, he has been exploring traditional techniques in Japan and abroad.He is currently developing his original brand, Rusty Thought.


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